a catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions

v.4.117 2020ff, edited by Patrick Sahle et al., last change 2024-12-10

The catalog contains single editions. Occasionally, scholarly editions are part of larger projects or they are impacted by the software and publication platform which they are based on. As this catalog is mainly a showcase for methodological innovation in the field of critical editing, it would be redundant to describe all editions from these sets of similar solutions. Sometimes, we will have catalog entries for single examples but if you are looking for a complete overview on digital scholarly editions or for more generic approaches and solutions you may want to consider the following list of edition platforms.

DiScholEd - Digitale Editionen historischer Texte
"Diese TEIPublisher-basierte App wurde im Zusammenhang mit dem DAHN-Projekt entwickelt. In diesem Projekt geht es im Rahmen einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Inria, der Le Mans Université und der EHESS um die Entwicklung eines Workflows zur wissenschaftlichen digitalen Edition von Archivsammlungen." [from resource]
Edition Visualization Technology (EVT)
"A light-weight, open source tool specifically designed to create digital editions from XML-encoded texts, freeing the scholar from the burden of web programming and enabling the final user to browse, explore and study digital editions by means of a user-friendly interface." [from resource]
Editionenportal Thüringen
Für die Aufnahme Thüringer Projekte, die vom Charakter her teils wissenschaftliche Editionen, teils vertiefte bibliothekarische Erschließung (Faksimile, Transkription, Entities - aber kein textkritisch-editorischer Rahmen) sind.
Éditions en ligne de l'École des chartes > Publication
Online editions of the l'École nationale des chartes, Université PSL.
Work environment and publication platform for scholarly editions of the Huygens Institute, Netherlands.
Inkless Editions
Scholarly Digital Editions of (mainly) Medieval Manuscripts; formerly known as Scholarly Digital Editions (see below). That platform was relaunched in 2020 and is now called "Inkless Editions".
LDLT – The Library of Digital Latin Texts
This platform provides born-digital, critical editions of Latin texts.
Publication platform of University of Lausanne, concerning the Enlightenment in French-speaking Switzerland.
Collaborative, virtual archive including various forms of content, among them also digital scholarly editions.
NIE-INE – National Infrastructure for Editions
Swiss work and publication platform for historical critical digital editions.
Open Editions
Open-Source Electronic Scholarly Editions of Public Domain Literature
Oxford Scholarly Editions
Contains digitised scholarly editions published by Oxford University Press.
Perspectivia Portal
Publikationsportal der Max Weber Stiftung
Quill Project
"Quill models formal negotiations, including legislative and quasi-Parliamentary processes, making them visual. Our first project is a presentation of the records of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that wrote the Constitution of the United States and many other projects are planned or in progress." [from resource]
Informationsnetzwerk zur Geschichte des Rhein-Maas-Raumes – Quellenforum
Romantic Circles Electronic Editions
"Romantic Circles Electronic Editions offers a searchable archive of texts of the Romantic era" [from resource]
University of Virginia Press - Publication platform including scholarly editions
Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen online
Ein Projekt der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins
Scholarly Digital Editions
The famous CD-ROM series with Canterbury Tales and other editions by Peter Robinson and Barbara Bordalejo 2010-2017. Transformed 2020 into "Inkless editions" (see above).
Scholarly Editing
The Annual [Journal] of the Association of Documentary Editing (Center for Digital Research in the Humanities University of Nebraska-Lincoln) regularly publishes so called "micro editions".
Sources Online
"Mit Sources Online betreibt die Trägerschaft Archives Online eine Infrastruktur für digitale wissenschaftliche Texteditionen auf der Basis des TEI Publishers und IIIF." [from resource]
Textual Communities
Platform on which to develop and publish digital scholarly editions.
A collection of source texts in many languages.
Wolfenbütteler Digitale Editionen
Digitale Editionen aus den Reihen "Wolfenbütteler Digitale Editionen" und "Editiones Electronicae Guelferbytanae".